Graduate Registration
Ceremony Registration Information
Ceremony Registration Information
Scholarship Application
Ceremony Registration Information
All students will need to register online by Friday, April 12, 2025 or until capacity is reached.
*Students sponsored by the district must click “PAY BY CHECK” in order to not be charged.
If school sites would like assistance with registration, NBG staff is available to facilitate onsite registration at a mutually agreed upon date and time.
All logos and electronic ads are due Friday April 15, 2025.
Student Instructions
- Wear ALL Black (business casual) attire
- Scholarship Finalists and BSU Leaders will lead the procession and sit in the front row.
- Please wear comfortable shoes, very high heels are strongly discouraged.
- Check in for pre-registered students is 12:45-1:30pm at California State University Coussoulis Arena (OLD GYM)
- Guest tickets can be purchased at the door for only $10. (Cash preferred but cards accepted)
- The ticket booth will open at 12 noon and the doors open at 2PM.
- Free parking is in Lots G & H only.
- Food/drinks (except water), luggage, backpacks, briefcases, large bags, wrapped gifts and weapons will not be allowed into the event.
- Normal-sized bags and purses will be inspected prior to entry.
- No Strollers will be allowed in the arena.
- Disabled seating is available at the top of the arena.
- Due to space limitations ALL guests need a ticket including children.
Scholarship Application
The Ceremony Location
San Bernardino, CA
5500 University Pkwy,
San Bernardino, CA 92407
Parking Lot G & H
reception info
- Email : [email protected]

The district/school sponsorship includes the following:
- Student enrollment into the 2025 Recognition Ceremony.
- Authentic African Kente Cloth Stole for student participants.
- Certificate recognizing each student participant.
- Sponsor recognition at the Recognition Ceremony.
- 5 VIP tickets for school district personnel at Recognition Ceremony.
- On screen Logo recognition at Recognition Ceremony.
- Full-page advertisement in the digital Recognition program book.
- Sponsor spotlight on NBG social media outlets.
- Optional Vendor Table at the Recognition Ceremony.